Just like the Otepotei Urban Organics
About Otepoti | Dunedin's network for anyone interested in growing food in their back yards or urban environments anywhere in Otago or Southland. We love to see people creating new gardens and learning how to manage them sustainably. And do ya know what we like most of all? Radical cats who join our seed savers network and participate in our 'Adopt-a-Crop' initiative, where you help to keep a heirloom or open pollinated vegetable variety going and share it with the rest of our seed savers network! visit our website at www.urbanorganics.org.nz for more info, and email otepoti.urban.organics@gmail.com to join the mailing list and receive a seed catalog! Woooo hooo veggies are sooo goooooood. |
It is effectively companies like Monsanto preparing the way for total food control.
Affecting seed banks like the awesoem one we have at Otepoti
Food Bill update from Sue Kedgley
READ MORE HEREby Sue Kedgley
So many people have contacted us with their concerns about the Food Bill that I requested a further meeting with officials to discuss these concerns (officials have already agreed to amend the bill to make it clear it will not apply to seed saving, in response to a request from me.)
I concluded from my briefing with officials that the Food Bill has ended up inadvertently capturing things like home gardening, bartering and seed exchange, which should never have been covered in the bill in the first place, because of its broad coverage and definitions (eg its definition of sale includes bartering).