Friday, 11 March 2011

Diploma of Digital Film

One of the assignments for the Diploma of Digital Film at the Southern Institute of Technology. I had to plan, film and edit together a chase scene. Filmed using a Canon 7D and Rode Videomic. Music by Head Like a Hole - Hot Sexy Lusty

Last year I took a few papers studying towards a Diploma of Digital Film with The Southern Institute of Technology. I ended up dropping the screenwriting paper as it was a bit too much of a workload with also working, and struggling with being sick too. It was a real tough squeeze to get the 101 paper finished, but I got there, and managed to get top of my class with an A pass. This year I am taking two more papers, and started last week. The video above is one of my last assignments - Starring Andy Sutherland and Chris Lamb.


Alan on 12 March, 2011 10:43 said...

Hey nice cinematography. It had me wishing it was longer!

Anonymous said...

I trust it's first year stuff right? Very clear shots but far too contrived. A chase scene is far more intense than that. maybe some Parkour and city running stuff around buildings, fences and barriers with more people, would have been creative around the domain, bridge and school area.

Anonymous said...

Tidy filming and editing, . . .but the acting? Yes to contrived. Should have used that surfer from 'The King of South D' he's believable (some of his V48HOUR stuff is on U Tube).

Anonymous said...

Obviously Bruce Willis or even Benny Hill were not available at the time. What a shame!! Nevertheless fun and funny.

Bipeds on 15 March, 2011 16:09 said...

HI Nic!
This was fun!
Check out the blog I have put up for the St Kilda St Clair project wondered if you want to come and see what I am doing at Forbury sometime in the next little while - perhaps you would be into filming the kids - the latest exciting thing is a new bubble machine to round off the classes dancing with bubbles.
Not sure if This thurs will work for me - will be in touch!

Anonymous said...

King of south d puts u boys to

Digital Film Scanner on 12 July, 2011 17:45 said...

ST Imaging Raises the Bar for Film Scanner Software and Digital Film Viewer.


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