Report on shark nets
Otago Daily Times By Chris Morris on Fri, 11 Feb 2011
Shark nets protecting Dunedin's beaches remain in the sights of at least one Dunedin city councillor. Cr Richard Thomson has called for a staff report on the appropriateness of the nets, including their costs, any possible environmental effect and new scientific knowledge relating to the use of nets.
The report was requested at the end of Wednesday's community development committee meeting. Cr Thomson's move follows an unsuccessful attempt last month by several councillors to have funding for the shark nets removed from the council's draft budget for 2011-12.
Otago Daily Times By Nigel Benson on Sat, 1 Jan 2011
What would we think if the Dunedin City Council paid $36,000 a year to protect us from lightning bolts? We'd think the council was mad, surely?
Yet, the DCC is the only local authority in New Zealand to maintain shark nets.Never mind that there has not been a shark attack in Dunedin waters for nearly 40 years.
And never mind that marine experts, environmentalists and even council staff who oversee the programme say it is nonsensical.