Friday, 9 November 2007

Proposal – Sustainable Management Option - Ocean Beach

Yesterday I sent through a proposal I have been jointly working on to the Dunedin City Council on behalf of Holmberg Technologies Inc.

RE: Submission – Proposal – Sustainable Management Option - Ocean Beach

Dear Mick

In response to the Dunedin City Council (DCC) public request for submissions on solutions for the sustainable management of Ocean Beach I hereby submit a Proposal and supporting information to DCC on behalf of, and in support of, Holmberg Technologies Inc.

Please find enclosed:
1. A proposal from Holmberg technologies Inc. for a Scoping, Option Design and Costing project.
2. Client testimony - John Ricciardi
3. Client testimony - Dr Thomas Straw

4. A DVD with
- Holmberg Video 'Saving Beaches' (7 minutes)
- Holmberg Technologies Inc. Scientific and Technical Reviews of Projects Study Booklet
- Article - 'alternatives to traditional ways of treating shoreline erosion'

- File Folder - animated gifs of artist impressions of Ocean beach before and after appropriate intervention by Holmberg Technologies Inc.
(Please note post intervention results have been verified as practicable by Dick Holmberg of Holmberg Technologies Inc. – with provisos)

4. An artist impression of ‘Middle Beach Beach Profiles’ demonstrating the potential effects and benefits of the Holmberg technologies Undercurrent Stabilizers™

5. Two digital artist impressions of 'before and after' implementation of a “whole of beach” option intervention by Holmberg Technologies Inc. across Ocean Beach.

Following are the contact details for the Cairns City Council Infrastructure
Engineer who requested a proposal from Holmberg Technologies Inc. and
indicated an interest in discussing a jointly funded AUS/NZ working visit
by Dick Holmberg late 2007 early 2008 with NZ Councils.
(contact details removed for blog)

I hereby make this submission in “good faith” and without any liability whatsoever as a concerned and responsible citizen in the interests of the community and the environment and declare that I have no commercial interest in Holmberg Technologies Inc.

I trust this submission assists Council manage the risks associated with this issue efficiently and effectively.
I advise that this submission will be posted on my internet Blog at
Should you have any questions and or require further information in relation to this submission, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to your response.

Nicola Reeves


Attention: Nicola Reeves

Dear Nicola,

I write on behalf of Holmberg Technologies Inc. to outline a Proposal for the development of sustainable, long-term, soft -shore protection options for Ocean / Middle Beach, Dunedin, for your consideration and pursuit with Dunedin City Council.

This Proposal follows confirmation from Dick Holmberg to you on 17 October 2007 that your artistic impression of Ocean and Middle beaches was practicably achievable through the appropriate intervention of Holmberg Technologies Inc.

This Proposal is also a response to the submission Tracey Crampton-Smith and yourself presented to the Dunedin City Council Community Development Committee on September 4th 2007 re coastal erosion management at Ocean / Middle Beach which for reference concluded:

"Coastal erosion methods such as 'soft shore protection' that have a proven track record of success in managing similar sites which can stand to open transparent assessment must be given urgent and appropriate consideration."

I confirm my previous information to you that I have recently responded to a Request For Proposal (RFP) from the Infrastructure Engineer of Cairns City Council, Queensland, Australia (AUS), for the intervention of Holmberg Technologies Inc. in that region, and, that this Engineer has indicated an interest in discussing with interested New Zealand (NZ) Councils, the sharing of costs for Dick Holmberg (and a contract Engineer where appropriate) to travel to NZ (as part of a joint AUS/NZ visit).

Our Proposal:
Soft-Shore Protection, Scoping, Option Design and Costing Project.

Outcome - The main outcome of this project would be coastal management design (and costed ) options for sustainable, long-term, soft-shore protection for Ocean / Middle Beach involving the intervention of Holmberg Technologies Inc.

Key Project Objectives - This project would have the following key objectives:

a/ Engage with Council and other key stakeholders to discuss and assess stakeholder needs, expectations and constraints etc.
b/ Conduct site assessments.
c/ Review and assess quantitative and qualitative, information (historical, anecdotal, technical and scientific) - (See Note 1 below)
d/ Develop soft-shore protection option performance criteria.
e/ Develop soft-shore protection design options including engineering concept designs. (See Notes 2, 3 and 4 below)
f/ Assess local construction logistics and constraints.
g/ Develop cost estimates for design options.
h/ Present options to Council. (See Notes 4 and 5 below).

Availability :
Holmberg Technologies Inc. would be available to commence this project as a NZ only or joint AUS / NZ project mid November to early December 2007 or mid January 2008.

The estimated investment by Council for this project is (NZD): Consulting Fee: $100,000.00
Airfares (Return): US Consulting Team (Dick Holmberg + Engineer ) + NZ Consultant. = $32,000.00
+ Accommodation, Meals and local travel = 10 days = $8,000.00
Total estimated investment for Council = $140,000.00 + (excluding GST/tax).
Total estimated investment for Council with US Consulting Team travel cost shared with AUS Council = $126,000.00 (excluding GST/tax).

1/ Council would need to provide all scientific, technical and historical information re the site (and immediate surrounding areas) and relevant erosion issues and organise other relevant matters (including meetings with people who may have historical information, Local and Regional Council Officers etc.) to facilitate this assessment.
2/ Engineering concept designs would be limited in detail by intellectual property constraints and will require further input (at additional costs) from Holmberg Technologies Inc. and their engineering advisors (without travel to NZ) at a later date for Resource Consent Application/Permit and construction purposes. Holmberg Technologies Inc. reserves the right to not include information the company considers is commercially sensitive and or secret.
3/ Holmberg Technologies Inc. reserves the right to limit the number of options.
4/ The format of presentation would need to be discussed and agreed on with Council prior to commencement of the project.

I trust this Proposal assists in meeting the needs of stakeholders by providing a postive and pro-active way forward.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions and or wish to discuss any aspect of this proposal.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

Chris Johnson, BBS.
Australasian Representative
For Holmberg Technologies Inc.


Anonymous said...


Whats being suggested here is that unless theres public suppport for some credible alternative like this Holmberg guy seems to offer this beach is going to be screwed with the likes of a sea wall!!!!!!

Nic needs your support on this one!!

Anonymous said...

As I write a decision will be being made by key people responsible for coastal management within Cairns City Council (Australia) to either accept or not to accept a Proposal (which was requested) from Holmberg Technologies Inc. for a feasibilty study and or, a design study, to manage coastal erosion on the Cairns coast utilising Holmberg Technologies Inc.'s proven expertise and technology.

If the Holmberg Proposal is accepted arguably this demonstrates extremely advanced decision making and insight on the part of the Australians - for their NZ counterparts this should be a "wakeup call" that they too should look seriously at the Holmberg Proposals that have been presented to them which include a joint AUS/NZ study tour by representatives of Holmberg Technologies Inc.(with associated cost saving benefits).

If, on the other hand, the Australians do not accept the Holmberg Proposal then arguably this provides an opportunity for their NZ counterparts to prove that they are indeed "environmental management leaders and innovators" in exploring proven sustainable coastal erosion management solutions as proposed by Holmberg Technologies Inc.

There has been much political rhetoric on both sides of the "Tasman" about the need to take action in the face of the very real threat from global warming and associated sea level rise and weather changes which will affect our coastlines negatively, but very little in the way of investment in exploring practicable solutions.

Australian and New Zealand cultures share a bond (distinct from other cultures) in their pioneering approach to applying (uncommonly) common sense to problems which threaten advancement by way of practical solutions - the very philosophy which Holmberg Technologies Inc was based on.

Time is not on the side of coastal managers (or other stakeholders)- indicators strongly suggest that global warming, associated sea level rise and destructive weather will be on us before we know it.

We do not have the luxury of time to indulge those who make a living from conducting longitudinal scientific and academic studies, analysis and debate - global warming is a real life, real time problem with real life, real time consequences, which requires real life, real time (proven) solutions!!!

Intelligent visionaries and concerned citizens like Nicola Reeves can only 'lead the horse to water' - it is up to community leaders to drink for their own sake and for the sake of those trust them!!!

Anonymous said...

Working cloely with Dick Holmberg on another project - how did the Dunedin City Ocean Beach project work out for you?

Fairfax, VA

Anonymous said...

Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!

Anonymous said...

Use these guy to get the permits...:)


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