Mr de Vries questioned the council's use of mild steel, rather than stainless steel, for the fence. He also raised concerns about rust appearing on recently repaired parts of the fence.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
St Clair Seawall Fencing Issues
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Media comments on Next Generation hearing submissions April 2011
South Coast Board Riders Association counsel Brett Gray said the association believed the impact of the disposal of soil at sea or at three current disposal sites would have a serious impact on the city's protected surf breaks.
Its main area of concern was the application to dispose of soil at the Aramoana "spit" disposal mound and Heyward Point, which could adversely affect the quality of the wave produced there.
"This wave is recognised nationally and internationally as one of the best beach-breaks in the world. In good conditions, over 100 to 200 people can be surfing at that break."
Surfers had been aware of the adverse changes to the quality of waves directly affected by the disruption to the swell corridor since the port had been disposing of dredge spoil at Aramoana, he said.
"It is clear . . . there will be effects as a result of the deposition [of spoil]. What is in contention is the nature and scale of the effects and whether the scientific research will be found to be an accurate representation of the actual effects."
Bathymetric surveys should be taken during and immediately following the major capital dredging and disposal activities at a minimum of every three months and continue annually for three yeas after the capital dredging had ended, she said.
Monday, 18 April 2011
New Video Submission to Port Hearing Panel
Labels: Dredging and Surfbreaks, Surfbreak Protection Society

Thursday, 14 April 2011
Dredging Deception

Surfbreak Protection Society is very concerned about the actual and potential adverse effects that will or are likely to arise if this consent is granted for the proposed activity. This could result in significant adverse affects on the ‘wave environment’ and ‘amenity value of surfing’. The Council is required under policy 16 and 13 of the NZCPS to protect the Spit surf break.
The current inshore sites at Shelley Beach, The Spit and Heywards Point are the first and preferred disposal sites for stage one as stated in the recommendations report (march 2011), with the balance of spoil over 450,000m3 to be disposed at the A0 site. The currently owned dredges are not equipped to travel that far out to sea unless it is calm, as well as the prohibitive cost.
The current statistics for spoil deposited at the Spit site over the last 5 years averages 32,000m3 per year. Reports published in 1998 and 2005 state that the dump site at The Spit is full, with a 43% retention of spoil per annum, and any further dumping would have a direct affect on the wave environment.
This conclusion is ONLY based on the modelling for the A0 site 6.5 k's out to sea, NOT the CUMULATIVE effect of dumping at the current inshore sites. Where very obviously there will be a major effect.

The spoil mound modifies the swell adjusting the peel angle improving the wave to a point, although energy is dissipated from the wave as it passes over the mound. A total absence of the spoil mound still gives a high class surfable wave with a slower peel rate and angle.
Unfortunately the presence of the ebb delta and offshore bathymetry creating the initial wave crest snap is artificially created by the construction of the fixed harbour mouth and mole built in the early 1900's and continual dredging of the harbour.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
When is the BIG ONE?
So a major faultline runs pretty much right underneath our house in Waldronville.
Taieri fault lines need research
Otago Daily Times By Eileen Goodwin on Tue, 7 Sep 2010Research was ongoing, but it was now speculated Dunedin's 1974 earthquake was caused by the Green Island fault, rather than the Akatore fault, whichhad not been active for 1000 years, and 2000 before then. read more here
Quaking in our boots: How prepared is Dunedin?
Otago Daily Times By ohno and Kim Dungey on Sat, 18 Sep 2010If earthquakes were as regular as clockwork, then a "big one" of magnitude 8 affecting Otago is 43 years overdue. "There is a 50% chance over the next 50 years that there will be a magnitude 8 earthquake on the alpine fault. read more here
Some facts that we should all be aware of. (source)
• The New Zealand Alpine Fault is one of the world’s most prominent and active fault lines
• The East Coast of the South Island is part of one of the earth’s tectonic plates
• The West Coast of the South Island is part of another plate
• The Southern Alps have grown 20,000 metres over the last 25 million years, but have eroded most of this growth away
• Much of the erosion of the high country ends up on the beaches of our coasts
• The Alpine Fault is due to move in a major way
• All of the above will impact upon us, or our children, and how will we continue to live in the “shaky isles”.
"The New Zealand Alpine fault which stretches 650km from Fiordland to North Westland, is known to have been the host of five events of about Force 8 magnitude where the effects have either been observed or can be measured geologically. The dates that can be provided for past events are circa 1350, 1475, 1615, 1725 and 1826. Using these dates, published in the recent “Hostile Shores” by Dr Bruce McFadgen, the interval between major movements coming forward in time, has been 125 years, 140 years, 110 years, and 101 years. The average gap between major movements over these 660 years has been 119 years. Using this average, another major Alpine Fault movement could have been anticipated in 1945. In other words, we are overdue by some 65 years, although if the longest gap of 140 years is used, we are overdue by only 44 years."
It is generally agreed between geologists from all round New Zealand that a Force 8 event would result in an 8 metre horizontal displacement and a 4 metre vertical displacement along the fault.
So with all this earthquake talk, I came across an interesting video on youtube on the "Expanding Earth" theory. Kind of blows the whole tectonic plate theory out the window.